What if future science offered an injection correcting deficiencies in people’s DNA? (“mingle themselves with the
seed of men,” Dan 2:43) What if it stopped cell degeneration and aging— giving people eternal life and instant
healing? (“fall on a sword and not be wounded”. Joe 2:8) What if the catch is people had to get a tattoo and swear
allegiance to the World? Would people get it? Is this why REV 9:6 says men will, “seek death, and shall not find it;
and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them?” Has the Bible told us that future science will offer eternal
life? Could the desire to live forever cause men to take the Mark? What if something were to go horribly wrong
with the process? Could it cause “noisome and grievous sores upon the men which had the mark of the beast?”
Rev 16:7? Find out more in one of Stan’s most intriguing DVDs yet!