DVD by Stephen Dollins - The Occult in Your Living room
Stephen Dollins, an ex-Satanist High Priest, exposes the subtle devices used to infiltrate the homes of Christians and non-Christians alike to lure the young and old into the practice of Witchcraft and Satanism. Discover the evil truth behind today’s crazes: movies, video games, and role-playing fantasy games. These devices initiate our children into the world of the occult by making evil appear to be “cute”, such as Teletubbies, Pokemon and various children’s books.
Book by Stephen Dollins - Under The Spell of Harry Potter
Stephen exposes the latest device of the devil - Harry Potter. The average Christian does not recognize the evil in Harry Potter. Harry Potter is being taught not only in public and private schools, but in some churches. Stephen will show you how Harry Potters is: Used by Satanists as a recruiting tool, Teaches there is no good or evil, Prepares children to receive the Mark of the Beast, Teaching children to use spell casting, potions and curses, Uses fantasy to teach evil reality, Witchcraft is being promoted by Christian leadership and the church. Is there a hidden meaning and purpose to Harry Potter? Are these innocent, harmless children's stories? Decide for yourself!
Book by Leslie Johnson - Help Me I'm All Tied Up
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