There is no doubt that the country of Russia is a superpower among the world's nations.
- What part does Russia play in Bible Prophecy?
- Is modern day Russia a factor in the end-times?
- What is the future between Russia and America.
We have picked 7 of the best DVDs to answer these questions and more.
I Saw Submarines Attack America - Henry Gruver
The Russian Bear Awakes - Stan Johnson
Russia's Secret Weapon to Defeat America - Bill Schnoebelen
The Storm: Judgment & Revival - Shane Warren
Top Secret Soviet War Plans for America - Jeff Nyquist
A Russian Defector's Invasion Warning
The Babylonians Are Coming - Pastor Mujahid El Masih
BONUS OFFER: The First 100 orders will also receive Jeff Nyquist's book "Origins of the Fourth World War"